Movies like Vedham Puthithu to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama, Family & Romance movie Vedham Puthithu with Amala Akkineni, Master Dasarathi, Saritha & Sathyaraj?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Vedham Puthithu?

Vedham Pudhithu starring Sathyaraj and Amala is a critically acclaimed Tamil movie, directed by Bharathiraja. Charuhasan, Saritha, Raja and 'Nizhalgal' Ravi played supporting roles in the movie. The story and dialogue was written by Kannan. This is one of the few films that highlights some of the issues caused by the Caste system. The film's narrative was seamless and starred Sathyaraj as Balu Thevar. It contains some of Bharathiraja's trademark directorial touches as well as a lot of path breaking scenes, along with Kannan's powerful dialogues.
Its release date is Sunday December 27, 1987

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Topic Caste System & Village Drama
Genre Drama, Family & Romance
Country India
Starring Amala Akkineni, Master Dasarathi, Saritha & Sathyaraj