Watch A Friend of Mine online

Can you stream the Drama movie A Friend of Mine, directed by Sebastian Schipper & starring Daniel Brühl, Jürgen Vogel, Peter Kurth & Sabine Timoteo on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: A Friend of Mine

An introverted insurance executive at a car rental service is annoyed by his hyperactive, garrulous coworker, but the two end up becoming friends.

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Its release date is Thursday October 5, 2006

Production details

Director Sebastian Schipper
Cast Daniel Brühl, Jürgen Vogel, Peter Kurth & Sabine Timoteo
Genre Drama
Country of origin Germany
Release date 2006-10-05
Theme Airport, Barcelona Spain, Basement Garage, Car Race, Friendship, Insurance Salesman, Love Triangle & Stewardess
Script Sebastian Schipper
Cinematography Oliver Bokelberg
Music Xaver Naudascher
Runtime 84 min

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Victoria | Jun 11th, 2015

7.7/10 | By Sebastian Schipper
Germany | Crime, Drama & Romance
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