Watch Devil’s Bride online

Can you stream the Drama movie Devil’s Bride, directed by Saara Cantell & starring Antti Reini, Claes Malmberg, Magnus Krepper & Maria Sid on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Devil’s Bride

Anna is a 16-year old in a village where women are accused of witchcraft. It's based on the witch hunts on Åland, Finland in the 1600s.

TAGLINE: "Åland witch hunts 1666"

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Its release date is Friday September 9, 2016

Production details

Director Saara Cantell
Cast Antti Reini, Claes Malmberg, Magnus Krepper & Maria Sid
Genre Drama
Country of origin Finland & Latvia
Release date 2016-09-09
Theme 17th Century, Based On True Events, Historical Drama, Island, Witch, Witch Hunt & Woman Director
Script Leena Virtanen & Saara Cantell
Costs $3,100,000
Runtime 110 min

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Devil’s Bride | Sep 9th, 2016

Devil’s Bride
6.0/10 | By Saara Cantell
Finland & Latvia | Drama
Netflix Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video YouTube iTunes