Watch Fuga da Reuma Park online

Can you stream the Comedy movie Fuga da Reuma Park, directed by Aldo, Giacomo, Giovanni & Morgan Bertacca & starring Aldo Baglio, Giacomo Poretti, Giovanni Storti & Silvana Fallisi on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Fuga da Reuma Park

Twenty years later their last performance together, the members of the Italian comical trio Aldo, Giovanni e Giacomo meet themselves again in an abandoned luna park turned into an hospice, ...

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Its release date is Thursday December 15, 2016

Production details

Director Aldo, Giacomo, Giovanni & Morgan Bertacca
Cast Aldo Baglio, Giacomo Poretti, Giovanni Storti & Silvana Fallisi
Genre Comedy
Country of origin Italy
Release date 2016-12-15
Script Aldo (story and screenplay), Giacomo (story and screenplay), Giovanni (story and screenplay), Morgan Bertacca (story and screenplay) & Valerio Bariletti (story and screenplay)
Runtime 90 min