Watch Hot for Teacher online

Can you stream the movie Hot for Teacher, directed by Yoo-sung Kim & starring Ha Seok-jin, Haha, Kim Sa-rang & Park Jun-gyu on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Hot for Teacher

Set within an all boys Christian High School, a beautiful new trainee teacher (Kim Sa-Rang quickly gains the attention of the students and faculty. Meanwhile, a school festival is set to ...

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Its release date is Thursday November 16, 2006

Production details

Director Yoo-sung Kim
Cast Ha Seok-jin, Haha, Kim Sa-rang & Park Jun-gyu
Country of origin South Korea
Release date 2006-11-16
Theme Educators, Songs School & Songs Sexuality
Script Hyeon-hee Kim, Tae-won Jeong & Yoo-sung Kim
Runtime 109 min