Watch Medusa online

Can you stream the Horror movie Medusa, directed by Matthew B.C. & starring Megan Purvis, Nicola Wright, Ricardo Freitas & Sarah T. Cohen on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Medusa

After being bitten by a snake a young lady's life begins to take a sharp turn for the worst as a deadly virus plagues her body.

TAGLINE: "Beauty is the beast."

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Its release date is Wednesday July 21, 2021

Production details

Director Matthew B.C.
Cast Megan Purvis, Nicola Wright, Ricardo Freitas & Sarah T. Cohen
Genre Horror
Country of origin United Kingdom
Release date 2021-07-21
Script Matthew B.C. & Scott Jeffrey
Runtime 87 min


Other Matthew B.C. Movies on Amazon Prime

Medusa | Jul 21st, 2021

3.2/10 | By Matthew B.C.
United Kingdom | Horror
Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Tubi TV