Watch Outrageous! online

Can you stream the Comedy movie Outrageous!, directed by Richard Benner & starring Allan Moyle, Craig Russell, Helen Shaver & Hollis McLaren on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Outrageous!

A story about a female impersonator who rooms with a pregnant schizophrenic.

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Its release date is Saturday January 1, 1977

Production details

Director Richard Benner
Cast Allan Moyle, Craig Russell, Helen Shaver & Hollis McLaren
Genre Comedy
Release date 1977-01-01
Theme Years
Time setting 1977
Script Margaret Gibson Gilboord (based on a story from "Butterfly Ward") & Richard Benner
Cinematography James B. Kelly
Music Paul Hoffert With Original Songs by Brenda Hoffert
Costs $125,000
Runtime 96 min