Watch Paranormal Evil online

Can you stream the Horror movie Paranormal Evil, directed by Akil Pugh & starring Andrea Ciliberti on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Paranormal Evil

Alexis King just turned 21, she's smart, beautiful and ready to start the next chapter in her life. She finalizes her inheritance for a large amount of money and the family home in ...

TAGLINE: "Growing up is never easy, but for Alexis King it will be deadly"

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Its release date is Tuesday May 15, 2018

Production details

Director Akil Pugh
Cast Andrea Ciliberti
Genre Horror
Release date 2018-05-15
Theme Christianity, Exorcism & Religion
Place setting New York City
Location New York City & United Arab Emirates
Script ShaRhonda 'Roni' Brown
Cinematography Scott Kevan
Music Christopher Young
Runtime N/A

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