Watch Two Queens and One Consort online

Can you stream the Drama movie Two Queens and One Consort, directed by Otto Jongerius & starring Clerckx Eric, Jan Decleir, Linda van Dyck & Tim Beekman on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Two Queens and One Consort

At the deathbed of his used-to-be militant mother an older man looks back at his childhood, when he was in love with his sensual aunt Coleta.

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Its release date is Thursday October 1, 1981

Production details

Director Otto Jongerius
Cast Clerckx Eric, Jan Decleir, Linda van Dyck & Tim Beekman
Genre Drama
Country of origin Netherlands
Release date 1981-10-01
Theme Aunt Nephew Incest, Aunt Nephew Relationship, Based On Novel Or Book, Coming Of Age, Eroticism, Female Child Abuser, Female Pedophile & Incest
Script Otto Jongerius & R.J. Peskens (novel)
Runtime 102 min