Movies like Drama Queens to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action & Comedy movie Drama Queens with Bethany Dalton, Eliano Achilli, James Dudfield & Margot Kelsall & created by Annie Yi & Fabián Bielinsky?

Movies like Drama Queens with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Drama Queens?

Bronte thought she nailed the audition, Amy arrives late and lands the part. Bronte turns up in the middle of the shoot. Chaos ensues.
Its release date is Sunday April 8, 2018

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Con Artists, Drama, Perth, Perth Australia, Queen & Short
Genre Action & Comedy
Country Australia
Director Annie Yi & Fabián Bielinsky
Starring Bethany Dalton, Eliano Achilli, James Dudfield & Margot Kelsall
Place Buenos Aires
Location Beijing, Buenos Aires & Shanghai
Cinematography Marcelo Camorino & Mark Lee Ping Bin
Music César Lerner