Movies like Murder on the Cape to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama movie Murder on the Cape with Heather Egeli, Jade Harlow, Josh Walther & Tim Misuradze & created by Arthur Egeli?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Murder on the Cape?

Based on the Christa Worthington case. An out of work fisherman has an affair with a fashion writer wintering on the Cape. She returns two years later with his child, and when she is murdered, the fisherman is the prime suspect.
Its release date is Tuesday September 12, 2017

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Topic Based On True Story
Genre Drama
Director Arthur Egeli
Starring Heather Egeli, Jade Harlow, Josh Walther & Tim Misuradze
Written by Arthur Egeli, Heather Egeli & Ian Bowater
Runtime 95 min

Other Drama movies by Arthur Egeli

Unconditional Love | Jan 1st, 1994

Unconditional Love
6.1/10 | By Arthur Egeli
United States of America | Drama
Amazon Video Amazon Prime Video

Other Drama movies written by Arthur Egeli

Unconditional Love | Jan 1st, 1994

Unconditional Love
6.1/10 | By Arthur Egeli
United States of America | Drama
Amazon Video Amazon Prime Video