Movies like Pusher to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Crime & Drama movie Pusher with Kim Bodnia, Laura Drasbæk, Mads Mikkelsen & Zlatko Burić & created by Nicolas Winding Refn?

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A drug pusher grows increasingly desperate after a botched deal leaves him with a large debt to a ruthless drug lord.

TAGLINE: "You don't have a chance. Seize it!"

Its release date is Friday August 30, 1996

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Copenhagen, Drug Dealer, Drugs, Illegal Drug Trade, Organized Crime Denmark & Police Operation
Genre Action, Crime & Drama
Country Denmark
Director Nicolas Winding Refn
Starring Kim Bodnia, Laura Drasbæk, Mads Mikkelsen & Zlatko Burić
Place Copenhagen
Location Denmark
Written by Jens Dahl & Nicolas Winding Refn
Cinematography Morten Søborg
Music Povl Kristian
Runtime 110 min

Other Action movies by Nicolas Winding Refn

Drive | Aug 6th, 2011

7.8/10 | By Nicolas Winding Refn
United States of America | Action, Drama & Thriller
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Bronson | Oct 9th, 2008

7.1/10 | By Nicolas Winding Refn
United Kingdom | Action, Crime & Drama
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