Movies like Seymour: An Introduction to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Documentary movie Seymour: An Introduction with Ethan Hawke & Seymour Bernstein & created by Ethan Hawke?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Seymour: An Introduction?

Meet Seymour Bernstein: a beloved pianist, teacher and true inspiration who shares eye-opening insights from an amazing life. Ethan Hawke helms this poignant guide to life.

TAGLINE: "Play life more beautifully"

Its release date is Friday March 13, 2015

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Biography, Documentary Classical Music Musicians, Musician & Pianos Pianists
Genre Documentary
Country The United States
Director Ethan Hawke
Starring Ethan Hawke & Seymour Bernstein
Written by N/A
Runtime 84 min

Other Documentary movies written by N/A

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Bad Rap | Apr 16th, 2016

Bad Rap
6.5/10 | By Salima Koroma
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