Watch Destiny in Space online

Can you stream the Documentary movie Destiny in Space, directed by Ben Burtt, Gail Singer, James Neihouse & Phyllis Ferguson & starring Leonard Nimoy on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Destiny in Space

Travel up close astronauts as they repair the Hubble Space Telescope and soar above Venus and Mars whilst finding proof of new planets and the possibility of other life forming around distant stars.

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Its release date is Monday January 17, 1994

Production details

Director Ben Burtt, Gail Singer, James Neihouse & Phyllis Ferguson
Cast Leonard Nimoy
Genre Documentary
Country of origin United States of America
Release date 1994-01-17
Theme Biology, Documentary Space, Documentary Space Program Of United States, Imax, Narration, NASA, Short, Space, Space Travel & Woman Director
Script Toni Myers
Runtime 40 min

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Destiny in Space | Jan 17th, 1994

Destiny in Space
7.0/10 | By Ben Burtt, Gail Singer, James Neihouse & Phyllis Ferguson
United States of America | Documentary