Movies like The Chumscrubber to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Drama movie The Chumscrubber with Camilla Belle, Glenn Close, Jamie Bell & Justin Chatwin & created by Arie Posin?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Chumscrubber?

A darkly satiric story about life crumbling in the midst of a seemingly idyllic suburbia.

TAGLINE: "Fear. Trust. Love."

Its release date is Wednesday June 8, 2005

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Topic Dysfunctional Families, Independent Film, Parallel world, parent child relationship, Suburbia, Suicide & Surreal
Genre Comedy & Drama
Country Germany & The United States
Director Arie Posin
Starring Camilla Belle, Glenn Close, Jamie Bell & Justin Chatwin
Place California
Location California, Los Angeles & Manitoba
Written by Arie Posin (story) & Zac Stanford (screenplay)
Cinematography Lawrence Sher
Music James Horner
Runtime 108 min