Watch Norskov online

Can you stream the Drama tv show Norskov, created by Dunja Gry Jensen & starring Daniel Bevensee, Marijana Jankovic, Mette Marckmann & Pi Werning on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Norskov

Police investigator Tom Noack returns home to Norskov to clean up the town's drug crime but quickly becomes personally involved. When he happens on the trail of a major smuggling operation,...

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Its air date is Monday September 21, 2015

Production details

Creator Dunja Gry Jensen
Cast Daniel Bevensee, Marijana Jankovic, Mette Marckmann & Pi Werning
Genre Drama
First Air date 2015-09-21
Theme Norskov
Runtime 42
Homepage Norskov Homepage