Watch The Life, Blood and Rhythm of Randy Castillo online

Can you stream the Documentary movie The Life, Blood and Rhythm of Randy Castillo, directed by Wynn Ponder & starring Lemmy, Lita Ford, Martha Davis & Randy Castillo on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: The Life, Blood and Rhythm of Randy Castillo

A unique documentary film that takes the viewer on a musical journey in exploring the life and times of the late legendary drummer, Randy Castillo.

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Its release date is Saturday November 1, 2014

Production details

Director Wynn Ponder
Cast Lemmy, Lita Ford, Martha Davis & Randy Castillo
Genre Documentary
Release date 2014-11-01
Theme Music & Musician
Script Wynn Ponder
Runtime 65 min
Homepage The Life, Blood and Rhythm of Randy Castillo Homepage

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