Watch The Witches of Dumpling Farm online

Can you stream the Horror movie The Witches of Dumpling Farm, directed by Martin J Pickering & starring Duncan Casey, Justin Marosa, Kitt Proudfoot & Samantha Schnitzler on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: The Witches of Dumpling Farm

After being thrown out of his home by his wife for being promiscuous, Mark finds himself back at Dumpling Farm, a place of youthful memories and parties, but things aren't quite right. His ...

TAGLINE: "A Harvest for the Devil"

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Its release date is Friday August 9, 2019

Production details

Director Martin J Pickering
Cast Duncan Casey, Justin Marosa, Kitt Proudfoot & Samantha Schnitzler
Genre Horror
Release date 2019-08-09
Theme Animated Dragons, Curses, Fiction Curses, Shapeshifting & Witchcraft
Place setting Japan
Time setting Ykai Popular Culture
Script Mark Pickering & Martin J Pickering
Runtime N/A
Homepage The Witches of Dumpling Farm Homepage


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