Movies like Gorky Park to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Crime, Drama & Thriller movie Gorky Park with Brian Dennehy, Ian Bannen, Lee Marvin & William Hurt & created by Michael Apted?

Movies like Gorky Park with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Gorky Park?

A Moscow police officer investigates a vicious triple homicide and stumbles upon a high-level international political conspiracy.

TAGLINE: "Murder In Moscow"

Its release date is Thursday December 15, 1983

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Based On Novel Or Book, Cold War, Government Conspiracy, Kgb, Moscow, Municipal Park & Politician
Genre Crime, Drama & Thriller
Country United States of America
Director Michael Apted
Starring Brian Dennehy, Ian Bannen, Lee Marvin & William Hurt
Place Moscow & Soviet Union
Location Finland & Sweden
Written by Dennis Potter (screenplay by) & Martin Cruz Smith (based upon the novel by)
Runtime 128 min

Other Crime movies by Michael Apted

Thunderheart | Apr 3rd, 1992

6.8/10 | By Michael Apted
The United States | Action, Adventure & Crime
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Blink | Jan 26th, 1994

6.2/10 | By Michael Apted
The United States | Crime, Drama & Mystery
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