Movies like Nostradamus to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Adventure & Fantasy movie Nostradamus with David Millbern, Fintan McKeown, Joely Fisher & Rob Estes & created by Tibor Takács?

Movies like Nostradamus with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Nostradamus?

A policeman must stop a medieval cult, who plan to bring about armageddon by summoning the spirit of Nostradamus.

TAGLINE: "Who was Nostradamus really?"

Its release date is Thursday April 27, 2000

What similar themes are we looking for?

Genre Adventure & Fantasy
Country Canada
Director Tibor Takács
Starring David Millbern, Fintan McKeown, Joely Fisher & Rob Estes
Written by Brian Irving, David Bourla & Stephen P. Jarchow (story)
Runtime 102 min