Movies like Pearl Harbor to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the History, Romance & War movie Pearl Harbor with Ben Affleck, Cuba Gooding Jr., Josh Hartnett & Kate Beckinsale & created by Michael Bay?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Pearl Harbor?

A tale of war and romance mixed in with history. The story follows two lifelong friends and a beautiful nurse who are caught up in the horror of an infamous Sunday morning in 1941.

TAGLINE: "It takes a moment to change history. It takes love to change lives."

Its release date is Monday May 21, 2001

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Airplane, Hawaii, Nurse, Patriotism, Pearl Harbor, Pilot, U.s. Air Force & World War Ii
Genre History, Romance & War
Country The United States
Director Michael Bay
Starring Ben Affleck, Cuba Gooding Jr., Josh Hartnett & Kate Beckinsale
Place England & New York (state)
Location Gloucestershire, Hawaii, Honolulu, Houston & Mexico
Written by Randall Wallace
Cinematography John Schwartzman
Music Hans Zimmer
Runtime 183 min

Other History movies by Michael Bay

Other History movies written by Randall Wallace

Braveheart | May 24th, 1995

8.4/10 | By Mel Gibson
The United States | Action, Drama, Historical & History
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