Movies like Rainy Day Women to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama, TV Movie & War movie Rainy Day Women with Charles Dance, Cyril Cusack, Lindsay Duncan & Suzanne Bertish & created by Ben Bolt?

Movies like Rainy Day Women with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Rainy Day Women?

In 1940, during World War II, an officer is sent to investigate rumors of German spies in a sleepy village where various people are the victims of war hysteria.
Its release date is Tuesday April 10, 1984

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Giant Pandas
Genre Drama, TV Movie & War
Country United Kingdom
Director Ben Bolt
Starring Charles Dance, Cyril Cusack, Lindsay Duncan & Suzanne Bertish
Written by David Pirie
Runtime 75 min

Other Drama movies by Ben Bolt

The Big Town | Sep 25th, 1987

The Big Town
5.9/10 | By Ben Bolt & Harold Becker
United States of America | Drama & Romance
Amazon Prime Video