Movies like The Box to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama, Fantasy, Science Fiction & Thriller movie The Box with Cameron Diaz, Frank Langella, James Marsden & Michael Zegen & created by Richard Kelly & Richard Kelly (director)?

Movies like The Box with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Box?

A small wooden box arrives on the doorstep of a married couple, who know that opening it will grant them a million dollars and kill someone they don't know.

TAGLINE: "All you have to do is push the button."

Its release date is Thursday September 17, 2009

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Decision, Experiment, Homicide, Key, Murder, Mystery, Police, Research, Sacrifice, Science experiment & Test
Genre Drama, Fantasy, Science Fiction & Thriller
Country The United States
Director Richard Kelly & Richard Kelly (director)
Starring Cameron Diaz, Frank Langella, James Marsden & Michael Zegen
Place Virginia
Time 1976
Written by Button"), Richard Kelly (screenplay) & Richard Matheson (short story "Button
Cinematography Steven Poster
Music Win Butler
Runtime 115 min

Other Drama movies by Richard Kelly

Donnie Darko | Jan 18th, 2001

Donnie Darko
8.1/10 | By Richard Kelly
The United States | Drama, Fantasy, Mystery, Sci-fi & Thriller
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