Movies like The Exorcism of Emily Rose to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Crime, Drama & Horror movie The Exorcism of Emily Rose with Campbell Scott, Jennifer Carpenter, Laura Linney & Tom Wilkinson & created by Scott Derrickson?

Movies like The Exorcism of Emily Rose with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Exorcism of Emily Rose?

A lawyer takes on a negligent homicide case involving a priest who performed an exorcism on a young girl.

TAGLINE: "What happened to Emily?"

Its release date is Friday September 9, 2005

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Catholicism, Cross, Epilepsy, Exorcism, Lawyers, Possession, Prosecutor, Roman Catholicism, Spirit, Teenage Girl & Umbrella
Genre Crime, Drama & Horror
Country The United States
Director Scott Derrickson
Starring Campbell Scott, Jennifer Carpenter, Laura Linney & Tom Wilkinson
Location Vancouver
Written by Paul Harris Boardman & Scott Derrickson
Cinematography Tom Stern (cinematographer)
Music Christopher Young
Runtime 119 min

Other Crime movies by Scott Derrickson

Deliver Us from Evil | Jul 1st, 2014

Deliver Us from Evil
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Hellraiser: Inferno | Oct 3rd, 2000

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Other Crime movies written by Paul Harris Boardman

Hellraiser: Inferno | Oct 3rd, 2000

Hellraiser: Inferno
5.6/10 | By Scott Derrickson
The United States | Crime, Horror & Thriller
Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation Tubi TV