Watch The Honourable Woman online

Can you stream the Drama tv show The Honourable Woman, created by Hugo Blick & starring Andrew Buchan, Katherine Parkinson, Lubna Azabal & Maggie Gyllenhaal on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: The Honourable Woman

Centers on Nessa Stein, a woman who inherits her father's arms business and finds herself in a international maelstrom when as she continues to promote the reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinians.

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Its air date is Thursday July 3, 2014

Production details

Creator Hugo Blick
Cast Andrew Buchan, Katherine Parkinson, Lubna Azabal & Maggie Gyllenhaal
Genre Drama
Country of origin The United States & United Kingdom
First Air date 2014-07-03
Theme Israeli Palestinian Conflict, Middle East, Miniseries, Politics & Rape
Place setting London
Music Martin Phipps
Runtime 60
